Friday 28 February 2014

Welcome aboard, Lim Han and Da Peng

I am glad to inform that we have two new contributors joining this blog, Lim Han and Dapeng. This end my streak of solo posting for one month plus. This help to ease my loneliness and bring this blog to new height given the experiences and expertises they own.

Let give me a honour introducing them to all audiences.

Lim Han 

Lim Han is a senior Java developer with 10 year plus experience. He took Computer Engineering degree from NTU. He is one of the widest experiences developers that I have ever met in my career. The amount of jargons that Han use in his daily life may be greater than my English vocabulary. In term of personal characteristic, he is warm, friendly and have high passion on whatever thing he do. He cycle to office, handling huge amount of projects, refuse to go home if there is any challenge in work and treat us free coffee when he is in good mood. He like to share his stuffs and has started his personal blog long time back.

In term of technical skills, Han is an explorer. He worship Elon Musk and is a hard-core Linux user. He keep himself updated with technical news everyday and know about any concept or new technology even if it is still incubation. Han is famous for finding any chance to introduce new way of doing in our daily work and bring us endless joy of asking him to fix infrastructure. With his career full of experiments, not only in Java but also on infrastructure, dynamic language, big data, ... I hope he will bring us fresh view of what is going on in the world.

Liu Da Peng

Liu Dapeng graduated on same batch with me in NTU and even working on the same project once. This is very surprise, given the negligible amount of time we spent in school. He has never failed to impress me with his technical expertises and talent on problem solving and innovation. In term of characteristic, he like new ideas, talkative and hyper-extrovert. Dapeng has strong interest in NetBean, JavaEE 6+ and opposing whatever design I propose. 

Few years back, we joined a start-up company and have fun building a system from scratch, which finally have the best load test of the world.

That happened when someone worried that our system is not reliable enough and helped to hire an army of hackers to load test our system. The load test peaks at 100 Gbps with 250.000 infected computers joining the show. The load test happened 2 weeks after I left, kudos to Dapeng and the team to hold the line and fought well. Due to this achievement, I found no one better to share with us about security and scalability.

Let warmly welcome both of them!